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Many students think that adding unnecessary sentences with long words will make their writing more impressive. But in fact almost every reader values concision, since concise writing is usually easier to read, better thought out, and better organized—that is, simply better writing. Words such as short don't have the full meaning of concise, which usually means not just "brief" but "packed with information".
concise, terse, succinct, laconic, summary, pithy, compendious mean very brief in statement or expression.
concise suggests the removal of all that is superfluous or elaborative.
terse implies pointed conciseness.
succinct implies the greatest possible compression.
laconic implies brevity to the point of seeming rude, indifferent, or mysterious.
summary suggests the statement of main points with no elaboration or explanation.
compendious applies to what is at once full in scope and brief and concise in treatment.
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Word History
borrowed from Middle French & Latin; Middle French concis, borrowed from Latin concīsus "(of a speech, expression) broken off, cut short, terse," from past participle of concīdere "to cut up, break up, slaughter, chop to pieces," from con- con- + caedere "to strike, beat, kill, fell (trees, etc.), cut off or through," of uncertain origin
Note: A laryngealist Indo-European reconstruction for caedere would be *kh2ei̯d-, which has no certain correspondents. Armenian xaytʼem "to sting, bite" has been compared, as well as Old High German heia, glossing Latin aries "battering ram" (Middle High German hei, heie with the same sense, Middle Dutch heie "pile driver"), though the latter would assume that the *d/*dh- is a root extension. Moreover, if heie is the outcome of Germanic *xai̯i̯ō(n), the doubled semivowel (Verschärfung) could be taken to assume a reconstruction *kh2ei̯H- with an added laryngeal complicating the issue. (See R. Lühr, et al., Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen.)
circa 1590, in the meaning defined above
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“Concise.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/concise. Accessed 15 Feb. 2025.
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