disambiguated; disambiguating; disambiguates
: to clarify (something ambiguous) especially by providing or considering additional information
All health systems possess master patient indexes to disambiguate patient identities …—
Dwight Raum
"Our eyes encode vast amounts of messy sensory information, and our brain uses clever tricks to disambiguate this information to try and make sense of what it is we are looking at," Dr [Gustav] Kuhn said.—
Harry Pettit
specifically, linguistics
: to establish a single semantic or grammatical interpretation for (a word, phrase, sentence, etc.)
We argued that when a word is ambiguous, placing it within a specific context often disambiguates it. For example, green in the sentence Give me the green has a very different sense if the sentence is uttered by one speaker holding the other at gunpoint than it does when uttered by an artist gesturing to his assistant. —
Genine Lentine and Roger W. Shuy
plural disambiguations
Disambiguation is complex in English since … the same word can be a verb, adjective or noun (as with light) with no change in form to provide clues for the program.
Ross Smith
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