How to Use nouveau riche in a Sentence
nouveau riche
The roads are better, and the nouveau riche have arrived.
—Katie Bain, Billboard, 16 Oct. 2019
The Post Oak location is where Tony’s became a go-to for the old guard, nouveau riche and A-listers, alike.
—Marcy De Luna, Houston Chronicle, 10 Sep. 2020
And yet, a fan base that quite enjoys its nouveau riche status among the blue bloods has questions.
—Dan Wolken, USA TODAY, 15 Oct. 2017
This is the story of the Trenchard family, who are part of the nouveau riche in London’s upper class.
—ELLE, 30 Oct. 2021
Blockchain snafu aside, lavish parties were thrown left and right in the best traditions of the nouveau riche.
—Nina Bambysheva, Forbes, 3 May 2022
Jay Gatsby's car was symbolic of the roaring 1920s, the tangible symbol of the decadent wealth of the nouveau riche at the time.
—Jamie L. Lareau, Detroit Free Press, 29 Aug. 2020
This is a show about hustlers, businessmen, crime bosses, and the nouveau riche of the jet-set who are hungry for money and hunting for the Next Big Thing.
—Andy Meek, BGR, 26 May 2022
Park Avenue and its stately high rises for New York City's nouveau riche covered up the eyesore.
—Kerry J. Byrne Fox News, Fox News, 2 Feb. 2024
In her cartoon universe, men were often nouveau riche posers.
—New York Times, 3 Mar. 2020
Actually, more have migrated to this Texas city, where the oil barons of the J.R. Ewing era are giving way to the young, caviar-bumping nouveau riche.
—Leena Kim, Town & Country, 22 Aug. 2023
Hogeg’s effort to remake Beitar Jerusalem and reform its fans has become a flash point in Israel’s class wars, which pit an old-line working class against the nouveau riche.
—Steven Zeitchik, Washington Post, 22 Sep. 2019
Contrasting Joe's world — which was kind of old, deep, and very textured — Kate and Malcolm's apartment on the opposite side was more nouveau riche.
—Natalia Senanayake, Peoplemag, 8 Mar. 2023
And for their neighbors, the nouveau riche Featheringtons?
—Caroline Hallemann, Town & Country, 28 Dec. 2020
New restaurants and malls catering to nouveau riche Afghans riding the economic boom appeared.
—Christina Goldbaum Jim Huylebroek, New York Times, 29 June 2023
In America, among the nouveau riche, fisherman’s sweaters have lost their yeoman roots and have come to symbolize the erasure of work itself.
—Rachel Syme, The New Yorker, 18 Dec. 2019
Leaving behind its faux pas past, nouveau riche had become a status symbol.
—Jamie Lauren Keiles, Vox, 5 Dec. 2018
Patrick is navigating these fast-changing waters in New York City with this wealth that's coming in, this nouveau riche stuff, and balancing it with the old money.
—Maureen Lee Lenker,, 8 Feb. 2022
The hype supercharged the dot-com bubble of the 90s and launched the internet age, creating today’s world where founders became instant nouveau riche on the day of their company's IPO.
—Matt Blitz, Popular Mechanics, 4 Apr. 2019
Australian winemaker Treasury Wine has for years benefited from quenching the thirst of the nouveau riche in China.
—Jacky Wong, WSJ, 30 Nov. 2020
The Mob Wife aesthetic has been characterized as nouveau riche, signaling new wealth and, perhaps, a misguided sense of what to do with it.
—Aneliza Ruiz, Los Angeles Times, 27 Feb. 2024
Daniels captures the swagger and the gauche trappings of the nouveau riche, along with the sense of entitlement common to those who have built their fortunes on the backs of others — and the anger and desperation when something threatens them.
—Bill Goodykoontz, The Arizona Republic, 2 May 2024
The endeavor is largely funded by donations from the crypto nouveau riche.
—WIRED, 2 July 2023
The unspoken rule, now very much spoken, was created by the old money elite, hoping to elevate themselves above the nouveau riche, or newly wealthy.
—Anna Kaufman, USA TODAY, 13 Aug. 2022
Almost nine decades ago, the oil boom brought Houston an embarrassment of riches, out of which emerged a select group of nouveau riche millionaires who were a symbol of a new Texas—an even bigger Texas.
—Rachel Silva, ELLE Decor, 14 Oct. 2022
The soft life embraces the hallmarks of the nouveau riche; this aligns with Black Americans’ newfound ability to indulge in the high-end retail market in a larger capacity.
—Taylor Crumpton, Essence, 12 Sep. 2023
That Molly is a member of the nouveau riche jetset who lives in Bel-Air made crafting her sartorial identity all the more interesting.
—Leena Kim, Town & Country, 5 Aug. 2022
For New York’s nouveau riche—a class of millionaires who had made their fortunes in emerging industrial industries like railroads and oil—the velvet curtain was firmly closed.
—Elise Taylor, Vogue, 30 Oct. 2023
Valerie Alston-Hold, a black professor with a musically gifted, biracial son, objects when her neighbors, the nouveau riche white family the Whitmans, raze the lot next door to build a showplace.
—Barbara Vandenburgh, USA TODAY, 7 Mar. 2020
The occasional Ferrari or Lamborghini always looks freshly delivered in the loud yet basic color schemes beloved of the Gangnam nouveau riche.
—Colin Marshall, The New Yorker, 11 Feb. 2022
For centuries, raw goods that slaves produced in the Americas were shipped to Europe, making white people wealthier, nouveau riche, or at least consistently employed.
—Time, 6 July 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'nouveau riche.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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