or less commonly story line
plural storylines also story lines
: a plotline of a story, drama, or game
HBO's Insecure has been an exquisite platform of compelling, nuanced, mature storylines for Black TV comedy during its run.—Matthew Allen
Pointless, menial objectives in a game distract from the main storyline and dilute the impact of more fun, engrossing missions.—Teddy Amenabar
The two story lines, each with its own compelling view of love, coalesce in a dramatic and surprising ending.—Martha Toll
: story sense 1a
I've long wondered how the brain fits such unexpected sounds so smoothly and adroitly into dreams. The suggestion that the brain always brings phenomena to awareness a split second after they actually occur—in order to construct a plausible storyline for their appearance—offers a possible answer. —Robert Levy
: a matter of particular importance, concern, or interest to an audience
—used especially in sports
The main storyline for the Timberwolves is the addition of three-time Defensive Player of the Year Rudy Gobert.—Tyler Schmidt
The fact Ovechkin has brought the impossible record within reach changes the way you watch the game. … Because Gretzky's goal total is the ultimate individual record in the sport, the chase trumps every other storyline surrounding this team from now until Ovechkin gets there.—J. J. Regan
: one that is evolving or developing
The offensive line is a major storyline to watch throughout training camp and the preseason, especially considering there's a new quarterback under center for the fifth consecutive season. —Kevin Hickey
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