Words That Start With A (page 71)
Browse the Dictionary
- aversiveness
- avert
- averted
- Avertin
- averting
- avert one's eyes
- averts
- Avesta
- Avestan
- avg
- avgas
- avgolemono
- avian
- avian dinosaur
- avian dinosaurs
- avian diphtheria
- avian influenza
- avian monocytosis
- avian osteopetrosis
- avian pneumoencephalitis
- aviaphobe
- aviaphobes
- aviaphobia
- aviaphobic
- aviaphobics
- aviaries
- aviarist
- aviary
- aviate
- aviated
- aviating
- aviation
- aviation badge
- aviation cadet
- aviation engineer
- aviation insurance
- aviation medicine
- aviator
- aviator glasses
- aviatorial
- aviators
- aviator's ear
- aviator sunglasses
- aviatrices
- aviatrix
- aviatrixes
- Avicennia
- Avicenniaceae
- Avicennism
- avicide
- avicolous
- avicularia
- Avicularia
- avicularian
- Aviculariidae
- avicularium
- Aviculidae
- avicultural
- aviculture
- aviculturist
- avid
- avidin
- avidities
- avidity
- avidly
- avidness
- avidya
- avifauna
- avifaunal
- avigation
- Avignon berry
- Avignonese
- Avignon grain
- avijja
- avile
- a vinculo
- a vinculo matrimonii
- avine
- avion
- avionic
- avionics
- aviophobe
- aviophobes
- aviophobia
- aviophobic
- aviophobics
- avirulence
- avirulent
- AVIs
- avitaminoses
- avitaminosis
- avitaminotic
- avizandum
- avn
- A-V node
- avo
- avocado
- avocadoes
- avocado pear
- avocados
- avocado toast
- avocado toasts
- avocation
- avocational
- avocationally
- avocet
- avodire
- avogadrite
- Avogadro's number
- avogram
- avoid
- avoidable
- avoidably
- avoidance
- avoided
- avoider
- avoiding
- avoiding reaction
- avoids
- avoid (someone or something) like the plague
- avoirdupois
- avoirdupois weight
- avondbloem
- avos
- à votre santé
- avouch
- avouched
- avouches
- avouching
- avouchment
- avourneen
- avow
- avowal
- avowant
- avowed
- avowedly
- avower
- avowing
- avowry
- avows
- Avoyel
- Avoyels
- avulse
- avulsed
- avulsing
- avulsion
- avuncular
- avuncularity
- avuncularly
- avunculate
- avunculicide
- avunculicides
- avunculocal
- aw
- AW
- awa
- awabi
- Awadhi
- await
- awaited
- awaiting
- awaits
- awake
- awaked
- awaken
- awakened
- awakener
- awakeners
- awakening
- awakenings
- awakenment
- awakens
- awaken (someone or something) to (something)
- awaken to (something)
- awaking
- Awan
- awanting
- awanyu
- award
- awardable
- award clerk
- awarded
- awardee
- awarder
- awarding
- awards
- aware
- awareness
- awaruite
- awas
- awash
- a waste of space
- a watched pot never boils
- a watery grave
- awave
- away
- away from home
- away-going crop
- awayness
- a ways to go
- away strip
- a way to go
- awd
- awe
- awearied
- aweary
- aweather
- awed
- awee
- a wee bit
- a week
- a week from today
- aweel
- aweigh
- a weight off one's mind/shoulders
- Aweikoma
- Aweikomas
- awe-inspiring
- aweless
- awes
- awesome
- awesomely
- awesomeness
- awestricken
- awe-strike
- awestruck
- aweto
- awf
- awful
- awfully
- awfulness
- a whale of a time
- awheel
- awhile
- awhirl
- a white Christmas
- a whole lot
- a whole lot of
- awin
- a window into/on
- awing
- Awishira
- Awishiras
- a wisp of a girl/boy
- awk
- awkly
- awkward
- awkward age
- awkwardly
- awkwardness
- awkward squad
- awl
- awless
- awl-shaped
- awlwort
- awmous
- awn
- awned
- awned wheatgrass
- awner
- awn grass
- awning
- awning cloth
- awning deck
- awninged
- awning stripe
- awning window
- awnless
- awnless bromegrass
- awnlet
- awny
- awoke
- awoken
- a word in someone's ear
- a word of warning
- a word to the wise
- awork
- a world apart
- a world apart from
- a world away from
- a world of make-believe
- awry
- aw-shucks
- ax
- axbreaker
- axe
- axebreaker
- axed
- axe-grinder
- axe-grinding
- axe-hammer
- axe-head
- axel
- axeman
- axemaster