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Usage Notes

How Do You Pronounce 'Vase'?

And is one more correct than the others?

Depending on where you're from, you might pronounce 'vase' in one of three main ways. Is one of them considered "standard"? Peter Sokolowski explains.


When someone brings you flowers and asks if you have anything to put them in, you might say "Yes, there's a vās in the cabinet."
That's how you'll say it if you're like most Americans, anyway. If you're like most Canadians or some Americans, you'll say vāz. But if you're British or like some Canadians or even a few Americans, you'll say väz.
Vās, vāz, väz.
They're actually all fine, no matter where you come from. However you say it, the important thing is this: when someone brings you flowers, be gracious and put them in water.

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How Do You Pronounce 'Vase'?


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