play video ie vs eg
Commonly Confused

i.e. vs. e.g.

Often used, often confused. Here's some guidance and insight.

Often used, often confused. Here's some guidance and insight.

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play video ie vs eg
i.e. vs. e.g.


Often used, often confused. Here's some guidance and insight.

play video ending a sentence with a preposition
Ending a Sentence with a Preposition


An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with.

play image1815466723
How Do You Pronounce 'Vase'?


And is one way more correct than the others?

play onomatopoeia video
A Look at Uncommon Onomatopoeia


Some imitative words are more surprising than others

play alright allright video
Alright vs. All Right


Is 'alright' all right?

play emily brewster and one and the same text graphic
'One in the same' or 'One and the same'?


Is it all the same anyway?

play ismo merriam webster tip
Some Odd Words with ISMO: "People Tipping"


Comedian ISMO on the complexities of the word 'tip'