play video ie vs eg
Commonly Confused

i.e. vs. e.g.

Often used, often confused. Here's some guidance and insight.

Often used, often confused. Here's some guidance and insight.

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play video ie vs eg
i.e. vs. e.g.


Often used, often confused. Here's some guidance and insight.

play video title words of the year 1066
Words of the Year: 1066


English was never the same after the Norman Conquest

play image1815466723
How Do You Pronounce 'Vase'?


And is one way more correct than the others?

play serial comma
The Serial Comma Explained


Why don't they call it the Merriam-Webster comma?

play further vs farther video
Further vs. Farther


They started as same word, but their meanings have drifted apart over time.

play video ending a sentence with a preposition
Ending a Sentence with a Preposition


An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with.

play video literally


A word that (literally) drives people nuts