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Commonly Confused

Further vs. Farther

They started as the same word, but their meanings have drifted apart over time.

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play further vs farther video
Further vs. Farther


They started as same word, but their meanings have drifted apart over time.

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The Schwa


The most common vowel sound in English causes many spelling problems.

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Words of the Year: 1066


English was never the same after the Norman Conquest

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Affect vs. Effect


Here's the lowdown on what may be the most confusing pair of words in the English language.

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i.e. vs. e.g.


Often used, often confused. Here's some guidance and insight.

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Is It 'Hanger' or 'Hangar'?


How to remember which is which

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How to Use a Dictionary


The best way to find information in the dictionary