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Main Entry: bru·cel·lo·sis
Pronunciation: \ˌbrü-sə-ˈlō-səs\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural bru·cel·lo·ses \-ˌsēz\
: a disease caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella: a: a disease of humans of sudden or insidious onset and long duration caused by any of four organisms (Brucella melitensis of goats, B. suis of hogs and rarely cattle, B. abortus of cattle and rarely hogs, and B. canis of dogs), characterized by great weakness, extreme exhaustion on slight effort, night sweats, chills, remittent fever, and generalized aches and pains, and acquired through direct contact with infected animals or animal products or from the consumption of milk, dairy products, or meat from infected animals—called also Malta fever, undulant fever b: contagious abortion

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Pronunciation Key

\ schwa \ as a in abut
\ primary stressschwa secondary stressschwa \ as u in abut
\ schwa \ as e in kitten
\ schwar \ as ur/er in further
\ a \ as a in ash
\ schwa \ as a in ace
\ ä \ as o in mop
\ au dot \ as ou in out
\ b \ as in baby
\ ch \ as ch in chin
\ d \ as d in did
\ e \ as e in bet
\ primary stresse macron secondary stresse macron \ as ea in easy
\ e macron \ as y in easy
\ f \ as f in fifty
\ g \ as g in go
\ h \ as h in hat
\ i \ as i in hit
\ i macron \ as i in ice
\ j \ as j in job
\ k \ as k in kin
\ k underlined \ as ch in ich dien
\ l \ as l in lily
\ m \ as m in murmur
\ n \ as n in own
\ eng \ as ng in sing
\ o macron \ as o in go
\ o dot \ as aw in law
\ o doti \ as oy in boy
\ p \ as p in pepper
\ r \ as r in red
\ s \ as s in less>
\ sh \ as sh in shy
\ t \ as t in tie
\ th \ as th in thin
\ th \ as th in the
\ ü \ as oo in loot
\ u dot \ as oo in foot
\ v \ as v in vivid
\ w \ as w in away
\ y \ as y in yet
\ yü \ as you in youth
\ yu dot \ as u in curable
\ z \ as z in zone
\ zh \ as si in vision

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